Searching for a job or internship?
Illinois Handshake is your friend. Create a profile and learn how to use it.
You’re going to need a resume, material for a cover letter, and a LinkedIn profile. Start at the Career Center for directives about putting those together:
Once you have a LinkedIn profile, go ahead and join the group that enables ESES majors and alums to connect:
Please note that by adding themselves to this group, alums have indicated that they are interested and available to talk with current students about their work and how they got to where they are.
If you’re looking for an internship, why not start with the Career Center’s internship search help?
Then, if you're looking for an ESES related internship try
And here (that's this page - look up for the lists!):
Dr. Kanter has three extra tips for ESES students:
1. Tell everyone everywhere what you are doing, and ask them if they have any suggestions for you--i.e. thoughts on people who do similar work you might want to talk to, job openings, organizations that do work you might like (whether or not they are hiring). Who is everyone everywhere? Your parents. Your aunts and uncles. Your parent’s neighbors. Your aunts and uncles’ neighbors. People in line at the store. Current teachers. Former teachers. Current employers. Former employers. You get the picture.
2. Make use of Dr. Kanter’s Patented Reverse Search® for jobs, internships, contacts for information interviews. There’s nothing more frustrating or worse for the psyche than feeling like you’re limited to answering ads as you search for a job or internships. So, get over yourself and get over that feeling. Use the resources available to you to identify people who do jobs you’d like to do at places you’d like to work, make contact with them by phone or email, and interview them!
LAS Career Services guideance for informational interviews:
Please remember that the world outside the university is far less hierarchical than most students expect, and many professionals are more than happy to talk with curious young people about how they got where they are. (The ones who are not will tell you so, and you lose nothing by asking.)
3. Write the thank you. Every time. Whether or not things went well. Whether or not you liked the person. Whether or not you think you will ever cross paths with them again. Whether or not you write it “late.” Write it and send it.